Slide Title 1

Aenean quis facilisis massa. Cras justo odio, scelerisque nec dignissim quis, cursus a odio. Duis ut dui vel purus aliquet tristique.

Slide Title 2

Morbi quis tellus eu turpis lacinia pharetra non eget lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec.

Slide Title 3

In ornare lacus sit amet est aliquet ac tincidunt tellus semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Senin, 06 Mei 2013


Corel Draw Training

           Corel draw training is one of HRD department’s program. The aim of this event is order to give the participants (SAFEL Crew especially) the ability and comprehension about Corel. Corel Draw is a  graphic design application that is used to make various graphic design, for example in advertisement need. Corel draw training is very important in organization because it gives the participants provision when they have to get involved in a committee. The use of Corel Draw in the organization are for example in designing a pamphelete/ leaflet/ poster, brochure, banner, co-card, member-card, certificate, backdrop, pin, T-Shirt, Sponsorship Application Cover, and many others.
            The training is held on March, 8 2013 in the second floor of student Center. There were 35 participants there. Mr. Edi and Mr. Kholiq is the trainer. The agenda from 7 pm up to 10 pm. The activity is very interesting so that the participants put high enthusiasm in this activity. There are so many things we can take from this course. The course is free for SAFEL crew, so come join us in the next Corel Draw Training. Session II. okay? :)

Some pictures from this agenda :

RI / HRD Dept.

Kamis, 18 April 2013



Lomba debat bahasa inggris sangat signifikan peranannya bagi kualitas pendidikan bangsa, sehingga UKM bahasa asing SAFEL (Student activity of Foreign Language) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta mengembangkan kegiatan ini melalui acara Workshop on Debating (WOD) yang dilangsungkan pada tanggal 29 - 31 Maret 2013.
WOD ini adalah acara tahunan yang merupakan program kerja dari divisi public Speaking (PS). Sasaran utamanya adalah anggota dari English debate society (EDS) pada khususnya, dan mahsiswa UNY pada umumnya.
Tujuan dari acara ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman dasar tentang debat misalnya, how the systems run, how to bill argument and rebuttal, role speakers, dll. Kegiatan ini juga ditujukan untuk mempersiapkan para peserta di lomba debat nasional NNDC (National Newbie Debat Competition) yang akan diselenggarakan di UNY pada bulan Mei mendatang.
Workshop  yang diadakan selama tiga hari ini mulai dengan workshop Asian Parliamentary Debat dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan debat sebanyak 1 kali. Pada hari ke-2 acara dilanjutkan kembali dengan Asian Parliamentary Debat dan 1 kali grand final. Pada malamnya acara ditutup dengan workshop British Parliamentary Debat untuk persiapan debat pada hari berikutnya. Pada hari terakhir dilanjutkan dengan debat British Parliamentary sebanyak 2 kali dan ditutup dengan 1 kali debat grand final.
Dalam workshop ini, semua peserta diharapkan mampu menjadi seorang adjudicator yang baik, dengan bermodalkan tidak hanya Bahasa Inggris yang baik, namun juga pengetahuan umum tentang segala issue yang sedang terjadi tidak hanya di Indonesia, tapi juga di tingkat dunia. Hal yang tidak kalah pentingnya sebagai seorang adjudicator adalah bagaimana mengamati apa yang dedebatkan oleh debaters sesuai dengan motion yang sudah diberikan, bukan mengamati apa yang ada di pikiran “adjudicator” itu sendiri. Bagaimana para debaters mengidentifikasi key point dari motion yang diberikan, mempertahankan argumennya, ketepatan waktu, merupakan beberapa hal yang menjadi penilaian seorang adjudicator. Team dengan Matter dan manner yang terbaik itulah yang akan menjadi pemenang. Selain pemenang dalam bentuk team, dalam lomba dipilih juga the best speaker.
Dalam memberikan penilain, seorang adjudicator dilengkapi dengan adjudication sheet yang sudah diformat untuk government bench yang terdiri dari opening government dan closing government, serta opposition bench yang terdiri dari opening opposition dan closing opposition. Selain ini, adjudicator juga harus memiliki catatan tentang matter dan “manner” dari masing-masing team, yang akan sangat membantu pada saat penjelasan kepada team, sehingga para debater mengetahui kelemahan dan kelebihan mereka untuk maju ke babak berikutnya. 

By: FOLT Department

Selasa, 02 April 2013

Les Misérables

Berlatar di Prancis abad ke 19, Valjean (Hugh Jackman) seorang mantan narapidana dan orang yang berbahaya, berusaha bertahan hidup di kota yang warganya tidak bisa menerima keberadaannya. Hingga suatu malam ia bertemu dengan Bishop (Colm Wilkinson) dan mengalami sebuah kejadian tak terlupakan yang kelak mengubah hidupnya.

Delapan tahun kemudian, Valjean meraih kesuksesan. Dia berhasil menjadi seorang wali kota dan pemilik sebuah pabrik. Namun, di balik kesuksesannya itu, sesungguhnya Valjean telah lari dari masa percobaannya. Dia pun menjadi buronan yang terus dibuntuti oleh Inspektur Javert (Russell Crowe).

Di pabrik miliknya, Valjean bertemu dengan Fantine (Anne Hathaway), salah seorang pekerja yang dipecat akibat fitnah yang dilontarkan rekan-rekan kerjanya. Perasaan bersalah meliputi Valjean yang kemudian merawat dan membesarkan anak perempuan Fantine, Cosette (Amanda Seyfried). Hidup dalam pelarian, keduanya menemukan beragam peristiwa menegangkan, seperti revolusi yang mempertemukan Cosette dengan Marius (Eddie Redmayne).

Diangkat dari novel setebal 1300 lembar, wajar kalo tema yang disampaikan dalam versi filmnya juga banyak. Mulai dari gap antara kaya dan miskin, revolusi Prancis, sampai cinta terlarang Cossette dan Marius. Dengan tema yang complicated itu, Les Miserables bisa dibilang adalah film yang berat dan agak susah dicerna.

Dalam film berdurasi 158 menit ini, sutradara Tom Hooper berusaha mengangkat emosi penonton dengan pengambilan sudut para pemain dengan teknik super close-up dan memainkan kamera dengan dipegang tangan. Selain menyajikan sebuah drama musikal yang indah, sutradara kelahiran Inggris itu juga berhasil menonjolkan kemampuan Jackman, Crowe, dan Hathaway dalam bermain film musikal. Secara kita tau para pemeran utamanya lebih sering berperan sebagai superhero di film-film mereka sebelumnya.

Film bergenre musikal ini emang beda dari film biasanya. Untuk penggemar film-film musikal bisa dibilang ini film yang sangat bagus dan “wajib tonton”. Tapi buat yang bukan penggemar film musikal, film ini bisa jadi film yang membosankan sekali.! Kok bisa.? Yaiyalah, bayangin aja, hampir semua dialog di film ini dikemas dalam bentuk nyanyian ala teater -_______- “  Tapi, secara keseluruhan, Les Miserables bisa jadi bukti kehebatan Tom Hooper dalam mengolah cerita lama menjadi suatu drama yang keren dan tetap relevan di jaman sekarang.

Jadi, buat yang pengen merasakan sensasi nonton film, nyanyi, dan berpikir dalam satu paket, film ini recommended banget untuk ditonton. Tapi buat yang lagi bosen dan pengen nonton film untuk refreshing aja, mending cari film lain yang lebih ringan biar gak spaneng :P


Selasa, 12 Maret 2013


There is no absolute definition about success. It is very personal and can be very different for every person. Most people view and commercialize that success encompasses and represents all kinds of prosperities, one of which is fame. Fame is that you are known for something you are successful at. The reason why fame comes after success is because it comes to those who have worked long and hard enough. The following public figures that would be discussed in this essay prove it, and the fame they achieve is a good one. It lasts longer than the fame that someone achieves by creating scandals.

Who does not know Mariah Carey? She is a mesmerizing singer with 7 octaves vocal range. She had sold over 200 million albums, singles and videos world-wide, making her one of the most successful selling artists in music history. Until 2009, she had been nominated for 442 nominations and won 249 awards from American Music Awards, Billboard Music Awards, Grammy Awards, MTV European Music Awards, MTV Video Music Awards, Soul Train Music Awards, World Music Awards, etc. She has eighteen number-one hit singles in Billboard Hot 100 Chart with the songs that she wrote, produced and directed by herself, including Vision of Love, Love Takes Time, If It’s Over, Emotion, Always Be My Baby, Hero, I Still Believe, My All, When You Believe, We Belong Together, Don’t Forget about Us, Touch My Body, etc. Mariah debuted as an actress in Glitter (2001). Unlike her successful career in music history, her movie was a total breakdown. The accompanying original soundtrack album became her worst selling album. Her next movies, Wise Girl (2002), State Property 2 (2005) and Tennessee (2009), also received many criticisms. Only her latest role in Precious (2009) took positive responses. From the records, Mariah is much more successful as a singer rather than an actress because she was born to sing, not to act.

Cheryl Cole was a member of Britain’s biggest girl-band, Girls Aloud, because she won Popstars: The Rivals in 2002. Together with Nicola Robert, Kimberly Walsh, Sarah Harding and Nadine Coyle, she had twenty top-ten singles in the UK Chart, including four number-one singles, and five platinum albums, two of which went to number-one. After they announced their musical hiatus in 2009, Cheryl surprisingly launched her solo career a few months later with the album 3 Words. Its first single Fight for This Love was named as the fastest selling single of 2009. In 2010, she released her second album entitled Messy Little Raindrops, with Promise This as the single. Her first and second albums achieved triple platinum and had sold more than three million albums world-wide. Both Fight for This Love and Promise This went to number-one and were nominated for Best Single in BRIT Award 2010 and 2011. She was also nominated for Best British Female Artist in BRIT Award 2011. She planned to release her third solo album this year. Nowadays, Cheryl is well-known as the most successful pop star in United Kingdom.

While Mariah was born to sing, Gwyneth Paltrow was born to act. She is crowned as one of the A-listed actresses in Hollywood. She began to act on stage in 1990 and appeared in movies one year after. She started to get attention for her acts in Seven (1995), Emma (1996) and A Perfect Murderer (1998). Due to her performance in Shakespeare in Love (1998), she won an Oscar for Best New Actress, a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress and a Screen Actor Guild Award for Outstanding Lead Actress. Last year, she won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series for her appearance on Glee. Besides her incredible career in acting, she also tried sing. It started by recovering Sioen’s Cruisin’ as the original soundtrack of Duets (2000). In 2006, she recorded What Is This Thing Called Love for her movie, Infamous. She also released some singles, such as Country Song, Coming Home, Travis and Me and Tennessee. The facts that she has no music album, most of her songs are in duet, and so far, for soundtracks of her movies prove that her career in acting is more successful than her career in singing.

Marc Jacobs is a little bit different from other public figures above. He runs his company, Marc Jacobs International Company, as successful as his job as the Head of Creative Director of Louis Vuitton. Marc and Louis Vuitton are like key and lock; they cannot be separated because he has been working in that French design house, which is well-known for its iconic LV monogram, since 1997 when he created its first ready-to-wear collection. Four years later, he licensed his own clothing line, Marc by Marc Jacobs, in New York. By summer 2011, he has his own 239 retail stores in 60 countries, including Jakarta, Indonesia. Whereas, Louis Vuitton, not to mention as one of the oldest and the most legendary fashion brand, revenues $3.8 billion and employs 16,900 employees, and also gives him opportunities to collaborate with many popular artists, such as Stephen Sprouse, Takashi Murakami, Richard Prince and Kanye West.. A proof that Marc is more famous as the Head of Creative Director of Louis Vuitton than the owner of ‘Marc by Marc Jacobs’ is a documentary film about him entitled Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuitton by Loic Prigent.

There are two points that are being collated in this essay for the public figures above. Each of them is successful in one point, so they become famous for it, for example, Mariah Carey as a singer and Gwyneth Paltrow as an actress. It does not mean they fail in other point; they might just need to put more effort. To sum up, fame is defined by success.

Written by: Galant Nanta/PR


Hi guyssss

Diawal kepengurusan tahun 2013 ini SAFEL kedatangan kunjungan dari IIWC (Indonesia International Workcamp) pada tanggal 12 Februari 2013 pukul 08.30. Pada acara kali ini, kita berkesempatan untuk sharing dan mempresentasikan tempat-tempat wisata dan kebudayaan bersama warga negara asing yang berasal dari Jepang, Hongkong, Korea, Turki, Vietnam, dan Jerman.

Presentasi dari negara Jepang

Presentasi dari negara Vietnam

Presentasi dari negara Jerman

Presentasi dari negara Korea

Presentasi dari negara Hongkong

Presentasi dari negara Turki

SAFEL sebagai perwakilan Indonesia, mempresentasikan DIY dengan ragam tempat wisatanya yang sangat menarik meliputi daerah kabupaten Sleman, Kulon Progo, Bantul, dan Gunung Kidul. Acara yang berlangsung pada pagi hingga siang hari itu akhirnya ditutup dengan sharing dan tanya jawab antar peserta baik dari IIWC maupun dari SAFEL danpeserta lain.

Kunjungan kali ini memang sangat menarik dan menyenangkan, semoga tahun depan SAFEL diberi kesempatan lagi untuk sharing banyak hal menarik lagi bersama IIWC.

ani/ PR

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